We have a team of highly experienced party wall surveyors ready to advise if you’re planning works falling within the scope of the Act to your Dalston property. The process starts with the party planning to undertake works notifying any affected owners.
We can prepare the necessary party wall notices for a nominal fee. In our experience, adjoining owners receiving a notice that has been professionally prepared by a specialist surveyor are more likely to consent or, if they have concerns, concur in the agreement of a single surveyor. Having a single agreed surveyor is the quickest and most cost-effective option where disputes has arisen.
Below you will find links to the hundreds of positive reviews we’ve received from both building owners and adjoining owners in and around Dalston and, so you can be sure you’re in the best possible hands, the company is regulated by the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS).
If you planning to undertake work falling within the scope of the Act or have received a party wall notice please call for some free advice or drop us an email.
Read more about party wall procedures including what works fall within the scope of the Act, the procedures to be followed and how our team of experienced surveyors can help the process run as smoothly as possible.
If you are planning to undertake works falling within the scope of the Act find out more about what we can do for you including preparing the notice(s), recording a schedule of condition or acting as the appointed surveyor.
If your neighbours are preparing to undertake works that may affect your property or if you've recently received a party wall notice find out more about the options and available and which best suits your circumstances.
Excavating a basement extension is one of the riskier types of work falling within the scope of the Act. Find out more about the special characteristics of this type of work and how they impact party wall procedures.
If you require advice on any residential surveying matter please call us for some free advice or drop us an email.
Dalston is centred around Kingsland Road (A10) in the London Borough of Hackney with Stoke Newington to the north and Haggerston to the south.
Dalston has been home to a number of cinemas over the years, being something of an entertainment hub, but only one now remains, the Rio Cinema on the High Street. Originally built in 1909, it was remodelled by Cult architect FE Bromige in 1937 to provide the Art Deco appearance which we see today. These days the cinema shows the Hollywood staples as well classic matinees and community screenings.
Another building in the area of architectural interest is the Grade II listed German Hospital. Originally built in 1847 to treat the areas large German-speaking community. It originally consisted of 3 red brick Victoria terraced houses but gradually expanded over the years before finally closing in 1987 and being converted to affordable housing.
Dalston and Dalston Kingsland Stations are on different Overground lines; Dalston has trains to Shoreditch High Street for the City and Canada Water whereas Dalston Kingsland connects with Stratford and Highbury & Islington for the Victoria line.
Telephone: 020 8530 2555
Email: surveying@peterbarry.co.uk
If you require advice on any residential surveying matter please call us for some free advice or drop us an email.
We have a team of surveyors specialising in party wall matters so you can be sure that your appointed surveyor is an expert in the field.
Our surveyors are members of the Royal Institution Chartered Surveyors (RICS) so you can rely on their honesty, integrity and professionalism.
Peter Barry Surveyors are Regulated by the RICS ensuring that you have a free to use method of redress should anything go wrong.
Our team have a duty to keep up to date with the latest party wall case law and this will be reflected in the advice that you receive.
The team are also members of party wall specific governing bodies the Faculty of Party Wall Surveyors or the Pyramus & Thisbe Society.