This time last week the UK was forging its own course of action through the COVID-19 crisis leaving many to question whether we were doing enough. Then came Monday 16th and Boris’s announcement of mass postponement of sporting events, curtailment of social gatherings and for employees to work from home.
Peter Barry, along with the rest of the country stepped up their efforts to protect their clients, employees and others in the country that are most vulnerable. We wrote to you to reassure you of our company’s practical efforts and the introduction of Risk Management Plans for all jobs.
Our surveyors wasted no time in putting procedures into action and I would like to share some of our experiences with you.
The introduction of a no handshake policy has been widely accepted and the alternatives have been greeted with good humour! A polite nod or the “elbow” are the most popular, followed by foot-tapping, dubbed the “Wuhan shake”.
Heading directly to the kitchen sink for 2 rounds of happy birthday is now normal procedure and the carrying of antibac gel does not bat an eye-lid.
There was a worry as to how clients would take our proactive approach to inspections but we are pleased to report that many have had no problem telling our team to follow their own protective measures.
One client required shoes to be left at the front door and hands washed with an automatic non-touch dispenser.
A self-isolating client worked with us on a schedule of condition. She left her gate open allowing us to photograph the exterior whilst she took photographs of the internal parts of her property local to her neighbour’s proposed works.
Another client has requested that we wear a face mask for his valuation inspection. We were happy to oblige.
The good news story from only a few days of this new working environment is that you our clients are working with us to protect yourselves and our employees.
Together we are doing our bit for our Country and for that I wish to offer you a huge Thank You!