Welcome to Peter Barry’s blog posts. You’ll find a range of topics focussing on issues that are important to our clients where we try to answer the questions that we regularly get asked.
Some of the more significant defects that arise with properties can be located at high level. Unseen deterioration can develop to a degree where significant repair work can be required. Defective roof coverings, flashings, gutters and valleys can allow leakage leading to water penetration and associated risk of damage and decay. High level repair work to these and other elements such as ...
Some of the more significant defects that arise with properties can be located at high level. Unseen deterioration can ...
Since the introduction of measures under the Homes (Fitness for Human Habitation) Act 2019, landlords have a clear duty of ...
There are a number of hoops to jump through when negotiating the purchase of a home, particularly when purchasing a new ...
What is Condensation? There is always some moisture in the air, even if you cannot see it. If air gets cold, it cannot hold ...
What exactly is it? Asbestos is a natural, fibrous mineral that was generally used as a building material in the UK ...
When you own the freehold of a property, you have complete freedom to deal with the scope and timing of maintenance and ...
In the first 2 parts of this post we looked at history of subsidence and the influence of trees; in this final part we'll cover other contributory factors such as the presence of ground water and variations in climate. Sloping Sites The slope of the site may have a significant effect for a number of reasons. If the site slopes steeply any buildings on the site will generally have ...
In the first 2 parts of this post we looked at history of subsidence and the influence of trees; in this final part we'll ...
In the first part of this post we looked at the history of subsidence as we know it today and how subsidence related ...
A Bit of History Anyone who's ever erected a fence in clay soil using timber posts knows that you can hammer these into ...
We looked at typical defects to chimney stacks on the blog a few years ago so today I wanted to cover a related topic – ...