Welcome to Peter Barry’s blog posts. You’ll find a range of topics focussing on issues that are important to our clients where we try to answer the questions that we regularly get asked.
The new Labour Government have revealed proposals that will encourage home owners to extend their property upwards by making it much harder for Council's to reject planning permission. Currently, permission can be rejected on account of an additional storey simply being too high or because neighbours do not have additional stories. The vast majority on London's housing stock is Victorian, ...
The new Labour Government have revealed proposals that will encourage home owners to extend their property upwards by making ...
Drafting your own party wall notices might seems like an obvious way to cut costs but the opposite is generally true. If ...
The Party Wall etc. Act 1996 has been with us for nearly thirty years but it is becoming clear that a large section of the ...
For surveyors who undertake this form of work day in day out, it can be easy to assume that there is good general ...
It is not uncommon to discover that your neighbour has gone ahead, or is about to go ahead, with building works that fall ...
If your neighbour is proposing building works that fall under the remit of the Party Wall Act 1996, there is a clear legal ...
The Party Wall Act is a slightly complicated piece of legislation, and the industry is essentially self-regulating. This intends that surveyors tend to decide their fees as said by their situation in the market, the type of scheme, and the geographical region among other factors. Several surveyors will charge on an hourly basis and others will offer a fixed fee proposal. It’s possible for a ...
The Party Wall Act is a slightly complicated piece of legislation, and the industry is essentially self-regulating. This ...
We’ve been hearing about building material shortages anecdotally for a few months now but more recently reports have ...
Of all the types of property extension the conversion of a loft space is one of the more affordable in comparison to side ...
Over the last couple of years we’ve put on a series of lunchtime CPD sessions covering party wall procedures for ...